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Nick Dash Optometrist 

Visionary, Innovator 

Sports Vision Institute 


Tel:  +44 (0) 7730645924


Sports Vision

Cricket, Football, FA, Rugby, Vision Training, ECB, FA, Eye Tracking Specialist

Sports Vision

Vision is a key performance indicator in all that we do. Elite athletes searching for the best vision to enable them to perform to their best chose Neuro-Sports and Nick Dash Optometrist. Performance in everyday tasks is important to all of us.
Neuro-Sports offers all the benefit of world leading technologies and techniques to improve vision beyond 20:20. Using eye tracking to evaluate visual behaviours and how this impacts on skill and performance.

Vision Training is always evidence based and controlled.

Neuro-sensory- tracking, conditioning and piming to perform under pressure.

Neuro-Tracking technology offers in the gym, pitch-side and pre event priming to allow perfomance gains to provide legal performance enhancing supplementary technology and performance. Gain the competitive edge with Nick Dash and the platform of Neuro-Sports training.

Sports Vision Studies



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Athlete or Team

Sports Vision Institute (See2wiN Ltd) has been conducting vision screenings on Individual Athletes or Squads since 1999.

Entrusted by Olympic Gold Medalists, International athletes from Football, Cricket, Rugby, Tennis and many other sports.

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This provides SVI with a unique experience and 'Bench Marking' against other international athletes.

Testing can be conducted at the Training Ground, Local Facility or Loughborough University.


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Research & Science

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SVI has been instructed by National Sports Organisations and Sports Manufacturers to conduct scientific testing of safety and technologies to improve performance.

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